Published: February 17, 2021
The international release nearly two years ago from Spinaclean has see the SkyVac Interceptor make a big impact into the Australian and New Zealand market place. A range of organisations from:
- Home handy man services
- Pressure cleaning
- Lawn mowing
- Landscaping
- Carpet cleaning
- Plumbing
- Water tank cleaning
- Facility services
- New businesses
- Aged care
- Schools
- Existing gutter cleaning companies
- Have welcomed the versatile portable machine to there businesses.
The flexibility of such a small machine, will have you working within 10 to 15mins of arrival at a property. Easy to set up, and operate, with the ability to push around schools, public buildings or residential tight spaces easily.
Reach height kits to 12m will allow operators to keep feet firmly on the ground. Working within house, starting a new business or adding a new genre will allow organisations all year round to target wet seasons, and the ever growing importance of fire risks.
- 5.5hp Honda Petrol Engine (Equivalent Wattage 3600 watts)
- Water Lift: 155”
- Air Flow Movement: 8000 L/PM
- Container Size: 90 Litres
- Debris Capacity: 70 Litres
- Weight: (Pull start/key start) 78 kg/ 87 kg
- L x W x H: (cm) 140 x 63 x 104.5
Enjoy the video. Grab a coffee and watch the gutter vacuum, gutter cleaning versatile unit under different conditions with:
- Drains and pits
- Pine Needles
- Gum Leaves
- Roof access cleaning
- Ground vacuum debris and leaves
More information on all the SkyVac range available in Australia and New Zealand Ph 1300 88 45 66 (+61 3 9397 3999)
Last updated: February 17 2021